A Little Bit About Me

About Me

I would like to be completely transparent about who I am on this platform. I created this blog under the pen name ‘Samantha Samuel’. I am generally a private person when it comes to my writing, so I didn’t want my real name out there. What I can tell you about myself is that I am a born-again, baptized believer, that is in fellowship with a local assembly. I find writing to be very therapeutic and tend to turn to it as a means of expressing myself. I’ve always wanted to write a blog but put it off thinking that I didn’t have enough time to dedicate to it. Like many others, I found myself with time to spare when the pandemic hit and decided to use my free time to ‘publish’ my writings.

Statement of Faith

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came down to the world as fully God and fully man to die on the cross to bear our sins. He Himself was perfect but took on our sins to provide for us Salvation and Eternal Life. He received the full wrath of God in our place. Jesus Christ rose again on the third day and is now seated on the right hand of the Father. I have hope that He will return and that we, His church, will be reunited with Him.

Thanks for visiting my blog!